Inspected by Ministry of Education : BSID #882297

Inspected by Ministry of Education : BSID #882297

Domestic Students

QW School > Domestic Students

School terms

The school operates three terms in a year plus the summer term. The terms are as follows:

Fall term – September to  November
Winter term – January to  March
Spring term – April to  June
Summer term – July to  August

As each class is held for two hours each day, except for the summer term when classes are for four hours each day, the requirement for 110 hours is met. The timings for QW School are from 10:30 am to 5:00 pm, Mondays through Fridays. Offered courses and enrollment depend upon the availability of students which could be either full-time or part-time basis for weekdays, evenings, and weekends.

Enrollment Procedure for Virtual High School

Full Time Students

QW School has a small number of full time Domestic Students from Grade 1 to Grade 12 and does maintain their OSRs as per Ministry of Education guidelines.

Part Time Students

Part time Domestic Students are those that are enrolled in some day school and attend QW School for one or two courses. Our School had been approved to offer a wide variety of courses in English, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities for Grade 9 to Grade 12 according to Ontario’s Ministry Guidelines.

At our school we are offering hybrid courses, please contact us for further information.
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